GAP Atelier #1 Post 1

I am not sure a what point an GAP Acting Atelier became an idea. Perhaps it was after reading Alison Hodge’s “Acting Technique” or perhaps it was watching students use the technique for fast work in a Mocap Vaults class in Montreal? I do know that it struck me enough, in the middle of the night, to force me to get up and write it down so I could free myself to sleep again.

The Toronto’s adult actor training scene consists of decades established schools providing the American technique standards - Meisner. Strasberg or Adler - or ad hoc acting for camera and casting practice. If you can consider the American Method schools to be defined by and adapted to, the demands of film, then it’s safe to say that training in Toronto is skewed towards satisfying the demands of an American film industry – and whatever presence (or lack of presence) that industry in “Hollywood North”.

In contrast the Global Arena Psychophysical technique sprung from Motion Capture’s extraordinary ability to detect falsehood. Mocap only “sees” the movement of the skeleton, unforgivingly revealing the physical heritage and behavior of the unaware actor. Mocap provides the platform and testbed for transformative acting. In fact I believe that it is the proper context for all acting training. Mocap was more instructive than my acerbic acting teacher Doreen Canon, who was renowned for halting the simplest exercise with, “I don’t believe you!”. She may have been right. But with Mocap I can see why.

So here in Hollywood North I am returning to theatre with what I have learned from Mocap:

  • That every second is a chance to tell the story

  • that the best performances are embodied by psychological, physical and emotional transformation into someone or something else

  • That there is room to believe that acting can be exceptional and life changing

  • and that the industry benefits from the actors' constant improvement of their craft.

The actor’s value is in their pursuit of a vocation and not defined by the industry. And so an Atelier makes sense.

I hope to add short blogs recording the journey of the Atelier, however, if you are a GAP Alum and want to see GAP specific reflections and revelations from our work, I have set up a separate area in the members zone where I  plan for the Atelier members (and other teachers) to add content.

If you are interested in learning more about GAP, why not join one of our a free introductory live webinars where you can learn the fundamental principles through practical exercises, with time to have all your questions answered.


GAP Atelier #1 Post 2


Why Act?