Pascal Langlois Pascal Langlois

What Laban Technique is and why every actor can benefit from it

Laban technique is a system for the analysis of movement that can help actors in every medium - even in voice. But most actors in North America have only a slight exposure to its potential, if any at all… Laban, working from the 1920’s as a dancer, choreographer and dance theorist, knew what modern science now proves on a regular basis - that the mind and body are inextricably linked - one affecting the other in a connected system - whether or not we are conscious of it.

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Pascal Langlois Pascal Langlois

Most Acting is average at best - so keep exploring!

Let’s be honest for a moment, here. Most of the acting that takes place in the great life-stealer of popular entertainment is forgettably average... How often… do you see a truly bone shaking, goose-pimple inducing performance, you will remember and revisit for years to come? Just like any creative act in today’s world, AI will deliver “Good enough” at a fraction of the cost of employing a human. Just like the AI generated image I used for this blog!

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