GAP Atelier #1 Post 1
I am not sure a what point an GAP Acting Atelier became an idea. Perhaps it was after reading Alison Hodge’s “Acting Technique” or perhaps it was watching students use the technique for fast work in a Mocap Vaults class in Montreal? I do know that it struck me enough, in the middle of the night, to force me to get up and write it down so I could free myself to sleep again.
Why Act?
…not only is acting of equal merit to any other artistic expression, it is the only fully corporeal artform that can affect personal, emotional and social growth in the real world. I argue that an actor can aspire to be “In the world but not of it” - at least to the degree that it allows them to bring both objective and subjective wisdom to any character they play. As such acting should rank as a craft and artform of primary importance both the social and personal realm.